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High Explosives Principles and Applications Course
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High Explosives Principles and Applications Course

High Explosives Principles and Applications Course

This course is designed to give an overview of the modern theoretical understanding of explosives from a chemical and physical standpoint while enhancing the strength of that understanding through practical field and laboratory demonstration experiments. Basic explosive engineering material will be covered, including thermochemistry, explosive initiation, shock wave physics and explosive effects. Laboratory and field demonstration experiments on the EMRTC explosives range will reinforce classroom material. Through this course, students will develop:

  1. A general understanding of the chemistry of explosives as it relates to energy content, energy release and basic safety.
  2. A basic understanding of explosives initiation, including functionality of common commercial initiation systems and explosive trains.
  3. A physical understanding of detonation theory, shock physics and air blast effects for explosives.
  4. A general understanding of the hazards associated with the synthesis and handling of explosives, including improvised explosives.
  5. Course Cost: $2,859 per attendee

Course Dates

August 23-25, 2022 - Closed
Fall 2022 - Date to be determined

Contact Information

Vanessa Ruane
New Mexico Tech/EMRTC
801 Leroy Place
Socorro, NM 87801
Phone: 575.835.5316
Fax: 575.835.5680
Email: safetycourse@emrtc.nmt.edu

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